People Leadership: consulting to our clients we advise on decisions and policy that will enhance the individual and team dynamic. In addition, we optimise performance by guiding through dispute resolution, disruption and change towards harmony and shared goals.

Career Development and Planning; we help you make the right next step with a strategic analysis of your skillset and ambitions in that target market and job profile, identifying your strengths and weaknesses; we assess your CV and prepare you for interviews so you understand your audience to ensure they see the ‘whole’ you.

Negotiation consulting for job offer and acceptance stages we will help you prepare, manage expectations and the process to ensure you maximise the best possible outcome – whilst maintaining a friendly and healthy relationship with the other party.

Performance reviews where we act as honest broker between employer and employee, we can uncover and address many issues before they affect workplace harmony, efficiency and therefore help reduce staff turnover and help build staff morale.

Transition Management for redundancy and downsizing situations where the immediate impact upon the redundant employee and remaining employees can be stressful and needs to be managed with career counselling.